

发布时间:2023-02-19 04:36


是国家及核心,位于中文核心期刊要目总览2011年版 (第六版)P5 地质学类核心期刊表No.3位置
主办: 中国地质大学(北京);北京大学
周期: 双月
语种: 中文;
开本: 大16开
ISSN: 1005-2321
CN: 11-3370/P


CA 化学文摘(美)(2011)
CBST 科学技术文献速报(日)(2009)
Pж(AJ) 文摘杂志(俄)(2011)



目前,中国地质大学(北京)和北京大学共建的国际地学期刊Geoscience Frontiers(地学前缘,英文缩写GSF)被汤姆森路透(Thomson Reuters)收录入SCI。 在此之前此刊物已被万方数据资源系统、中国知网(CNKI)数据库等重要检索系统收录。 2014年及2015年均被中国知网(CNKI)评为中国最具国际影响力的期刊之一。 2016年1月,GSF被汤姆森路透选入Science Citation Index Expand(SCIE),使GSF迈上了一个新的台阶。 GSF由莫宣学院士任主编,Santosh教授为共同主编,万晓樵教授为常务副主编,Gregory Davis教授为创刊初期的特约副主编。他们对国际地学类刊物有着丰富的办刊经验,使得GSF期刊的知名度与国际显示度不断提高。


英文期刊8、Jing Zhao, Zhen Zhu., Ashley A. Impact of the E-Business Process on Competitive Advantage in Supply Chain:The Components and Mechanisms. Submit to Journal of Operations Management , 7. Zhu Z, Zhao J,Tang, XL, Zhang, Y. Leveraging e-business process for business value: a layered structure ation & Management, 2015, 52 (6), 679–691.【SCI/SSCI/EI】 6、Zhen Zhu., Jing Zhao A Typology of Net-enabled Organizational Capabilities for Digital Competitive Advantage: The Case Study of Travel and Hospitality Industry in China. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organizations, 2013, 12(1):56-69.【EI收录】 4. Zhen Zhu., Jing Zhao The Sources of e-Business Competitive Advantages between Travel agencies and Online Travel Service Firms in China,International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management , 2011,5(2):160-180.【EI收录】 3. Zhen Zhu., Jing Zhao Impact of e-business on the demand-driven management: An empirical study in China?,International Journal of Networking andVirtual Organizations, 2010, 7(6):560-580【EI收录】2. Jing Zhao, Wilfred V. Huang, Zhen Zhu, An Empirical Study of E-Business Implementation Process in China? IEEE Transactions onEngineering Management, 2008, 55(1): 134-147.【SCI/SSCI/EI收录】1. Chunming Wu Jing Zhao, Zhen Zhu. Impact of Internal Factors on Information Technology Adoption: An Empirical Investigation of Chinese Firms? Tsinghua Science and technology, 2008, 13(3):318-322. 【EI收录】中文期刊<2015>18、朱镇,赵晶,王飞,胡乐炜. 电子供应链合作中IT使能合作优势的实现_基于关系观的实证研究管理评论【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,T4,CSSCI】,2015,27(2):168-177 <2013>17、朱镇,赵晶,e就绪对传统企业电子商务吸收的影响——组织执行的中介作用,南开管理评论【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2013,16(2):150-160. 16、朱镇,赵晶,江毅. 企业电子商务扩散——组织执行力视角的解释,管理评论【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2013,25(9):158-166 <2012>15、池毛毛, 赵晶, 朱镇. E-SCM中电子商务能力与绩效关联效应的实证研究, 中国地质大学学报(社会科学版), 2012, (3): 116-123. (CSSCI期刊,中文核心) 14、朱镇, 赵晶, 王菁. 基于关系观的电子供应链IT价值形成研究. 信息系统学报,2012, 10(1):32-45<2011>13、朱镇,赵晶,企业电子商务采纳的战略决策行为:基于社会认知理论的研究,南开管理评论,【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2011,14(3):151-16015、朱镇,赵晶,传统旅行社与在线服务服务商电子商务竞争优势的比较研究,中国地质大学学报(社会科学版),2011,11(2):114-119(CSSCI期刊,中文核心)11、赵晶,朱镇.企业电子商务价值创造过程模型,管理科学学报,【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威, CSSCI】,2011,13(12):46-60<2010>10、朱镇,赵晶,电子商务战略感知与能力优势识别的关系研究,管理评论【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威, CSSCI】,2010, 22(3):54-629、赵晶, 朱镇, 王飞, 李晴,基于过程的企业电子商务绩效评价模型,管理工程学报【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2010, 24(1):17-24<2009以前>8、朱镇,赵晶,企业电子商务采纳:组织行为与战略整合视角的实证研究,研究与发展管理【基金委管理类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2009, 21(2):79-867、朱镇,赵晶,魏晓燕,江毅,电子商务与供应链驱动模式关系的实证研究,管理评论【基金委管理类A类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2009,21(7):41-486、朱镇,赵晶,管理者如何识别电子商务能力优势:基于传统行业的实证研究 ,研究与发展管理【基金委管理类B类重要期刊,校人文社科B类权威,CSSCI】,2009,21(5):20-285、朱镇,赵晶,现代服务企业e就绪对电子商务能力的影响:基于企业资源观的实证研究,信息系统学报【信息系统协会中国分会会刊】,2009,3(1):34-474、朱镇,赵晶,陈静琪,魏晓燕. 基于RBV的旅游电子商务采纳关键成功因素研究 ,旅游学刊(CSSCI期刊,中文核心),2008, 23(2): 23-283、朱镇, 赵晶. 传统企业电子商务战略感知要素关联效应实证研究. 中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)(CSSCI期刊,中文核心),2007, 7(6):19-23.【人大报刊《经贸经济》2008年第三期收录】2、赵晶,朱镇 企业电子商务战略实施关键成功因素的实证研究,清华大学学报(自然科学版),2006,46(S1):914-922(EI检索)1、朱镇,赵晶. 传统企业电子商务战略感知评估研究.中国地质大学学报(社会科学版),2007, 7(1):47-51(核心期刊)发表会议论文11Zhu Z, Lin S-F. Entrepreneurial Perceptions and E-business Opportunity Discovery: Evidence from China. The proceeding of International Conference on Information Systems, 2015, Fort Worth, UAS. 10、Christopher Furner, Pradeep Racherla,Zhen Zhu. Cultural and review characteristics in the formation of trust in online reviews: A multinational investigation. The proceeding of 12th Wuhan International Conference on e-business, 2013, pp.423-433 【CPCI-SSH】Best paper Award of WHICEB2013 9、Zhu, Zhen, Zhao, Jing, and Zhou Liao. Typology and Portfolio of Net-enabled organizational capabilities and competitive advantages: The case study of travel and hospitality industry?The proceeding of 11th Wuhan International Conference on e-business, 2012, pp.239-246 【CPCI-SSH】 Best paper Award nomination of WHICEB2012 8、Christopher Furner, Pradeep Racherla,Zhen Zhu. Uncertainty, Trust and Purchase Intention Based on Online Product Reviews: an Introduction to a Multinational Study,The proceeding of Tenth Wuhan International Conference on e-business, Wuhan, P. R. China, 2011. 【CPCI-SSH】 7、Zhen Zhu., Jing Zhao, Xiaoqin Ye, Maomao Chi.. An Empirical Research on Competitive Advantages of Travel e-Business: a Comparative Perspective from Resource-based View. The proceeding of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2009,pp612-617【EI/ISTP】6、Zhen Zhu., Jing Zhao, Xiaoyan Wei, Jingqi Chen. Investigation of Critical Success Factors in e-Business Adoption by Chinese Travel Firms: A Resource-based Perspective, The proceeding of Seventh Wuhan International Conference on e-business, Wuhan, P. R. China, May31- June1,2008, pp 998-1004【ISTP】5、Zhen Zhu., Jing Zhao, An Empirical Investigation of Demand Integration in E-business Environments From Chinese Practices, The proceeding of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, July, 2007,pp3628-3631【EI/ISTP】4、Zhen Zhu., Jing Zhao古文辉, An Empirical Evaluation of the Effectiveness of E-Business Strategic Planning, The proceeding of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing , Shanhai, China ,September 21-25,2007, Volume1, pp 3521-3524【EI/ISTP】3、Zhen Zhu., Jing Zhao, and et al. Transformation from Supply Chain to Demand Chain Based on E-business Value-creation: A process perspective, Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Information. Beijing, August10-12.2005, pp443-4482、Zhen Zhu., Jing Zhao An Empirical Study of Business Process Transformation with E-business Adoption, Proceeding of the fourth Wuhan International conference on e-business. Wuhan, June 4-5. 2005(1), pp696-702【ISTP】1、Zhen Zhu., Wang heng An Exploratory Study on Power Mechanism of Tour Service E-Business in China, Proceeding of International conference on service system and service management. Beijing, July19-21. 2004(2), pp777-713【ISTP】



