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有两种解释: other 其他 Oceanic Transit Route 海洋过渡航路 根据你的句子,我认为是“其他”

分析发现,雅思阅读考试A类文章大多选自国外人文类、经济类和科学类的知名报纸、杂志或政府各部门(UK及世界各国) 的社会发展报告。如:经济学家杂志Economist,金融时报(Financial Times), 卫报(Guardian) ,美国国家地理杂志(National Geographic), New Scientist, Science, Popular Science 和 Nature等。 G类的考生在平常准备考试的过程中一定要重视这个自09年5月1日起开始的 ‘small but important’的变化。重点补充一些工作类型的文章,例如申请工作、公司政策、工作环境等等。并且有条件的话,多做一些关于商务英语和职场英语方面的训练。

据报道,金星凌日是当金星运行到太阳和地球之间时发生的一种罕见的天文现象。当金星运行到太阳和地球之间时,可以看到在太阳表面有一个小黑点慢慢穿过,而金星要花费将近6个小时才能缓慢地穿过日面。  据称,中国最佳观测时间起始于6日早上6时9分左右,整个过程持续6小时40分钟。


Travel is not just a form of play or a way to loose tension; it is also a chance of Maybe you think the vocabularies in the textbooks are hard to memorize, or perhaps you regard the sentences on the blackboard as alien However, when traveling in person, you will think of those as pieces of cake because travel is the best teacher of When we are on a trip, we can get the proof of the knowledge we have learned from traditional Moreover, we can learn many other things that we can not learn in books or have no opportunities to learn in our For example, I went on a trip to Taroko National Park with my family when I was in junior high Located in the eastern Taiwan, Taroko National Park is a place which is not interfered by the hustle and bustle of The landscapes there are spectacular and splendid, such as the gorges, the rivers, the special At the first sight of these scenery, I was reminded of my geography class that our teacher had taught us the formation and transformation of landforms, especially that in eastern T In fact, I was not really good at geography, and thought that it was a difficult subject because there were too many things to However, when I was standing on this ground, the east of Taiwan, I could easily think of what I have Even more, I also sighted other interest things which were not printed in our text book, such us the details of easterners’ Even to date, I still can not forget those Due to the experience deeply rooted in my heart, I believe that travel is the best --------------------------There is nothing like international travel to broaden the mind and fortunately it is now something that almost anyone can Providing you are willing to travel outside of the busy periods there aren't may places that out beyond most people's Places like Spain, Italy, the South of France and Greece are good destinations as they have mild If you are planning an extended trip then you need to consider renting private apartments and houses which should be less expensive and easy to locate Facilities are usually comparable to many American homes so the likes of laundry equipment, cooking and the Internet should all be Of course making use of the kitchen will save some money if you have your breakfast there every morning before you spend the day exploring the local If you planned to send cards to all your friends then you can do it electronically which won't cost anything and all your laundry can be done without having to go elsewhere, once again, saving time which means you have more time to do It is always exciting visiting a new country, to get a chance to explore and absorb new cultures and see how people live their normal daily lives, which on the whole aren't that different from people Food is a much more drawn out event than our eat-and-run habit as meals are enjoyed slowly, seasoned with the friendship of your companions plus it is actually quite safe to go out at night in any major European You can get a much more realistic feel to wear you are staying by visiting the areas where the local population are; sit outside a cafe and watch the life around you as it will leave a more lasting impression than all the tourist attractions you can Staying with this theme, you would be a poor international traveler if you didn't try the local dishes from authentic restaurants like a real Italian pizza or a Spanish Paella for Most European cities have excellent transit systems that are inexpensive and just beg to be used if you are in the mood to explore a city which most international travelers are!If you are considering this type of trip then you may want to reduce the amount of luggage you take and travel light using only a carry on which will certainly save a huge amount of time and there is less chance of anything going However, if this is how you like to travel then restricting how much you carry with you is paramount and being able to fit everything you need into hand luggage can save a great deal of time at the You may not think this is possible but it is; you just need to remember that many of the essentials of traveling like toiletries will be available almost everywhere you travel This is an exciting way to travel, light and easy and finding a new place to visit is as easy as searching on the I



一,审查来稿二,编稿三,排版:四,校对五,通读 六,出片七,下印厂八,交邮局发行

一,审查来稿: 从大量的稿件当中初选符合刊物基本要求的稿件; 二,编稿: 与作者联系,修改稿件,编辑加工; 三,排版: 交排版者排版 ;四,校对: (以上第二、第三步,要反复两次,因为校样应该看三遍) 五,通读 主编或编辑部主任通读稿件,做最后修改 六,出片 七,下印厂 八,交邮局发行






348,738册。《ELLE》是1945年创刊的法国时尚杂志,是一本专注于时尚、美容、生活品味的女性杂志。1945年,Helen Lazareff女士在法国成功创刊了第一本《ELLE》杂志。截至2003年,《ELLE》杂志在6大洲已发展为35个版本。除此之外,ELLE还拥有几个分支品牌,如ELLE Décor杂志(18个版本),ELLE Girl杂志(5个版本),ELLE Cuisine杂志(5个版本)。1987年,法国的桦榭菲力柏契在香港创办中文版《ELLE》。1988年,法国桦榭菲力柏契出版集团与上海译文出版社版权合作,出版了《世界时装之苑ELLE》,第一次把“时装”和“时尚”的概念带给中国读者。1991年在台湾创办《ELLE她》。截至2011年,《ELLE》在世界各地共有43个版本。

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